Page 37 - Feast_Vol3
P. 37




                                     1910 Grille (in the
                                     Historic Park Inn)
                                     7 W State Street
                                     Mason City, IA

       Why Mason City and the Historic Park Inn?
       I have family ties to this area, and I studied
       architecture at one point, so the Historic Park Inn’s
       ties to Frank Lloyd Wright interest me.

       Frank Lloyd Wright’s architecture: does it
       influence what’s on your menu?
       We get visitors from all over the world because
       of Wright. I love to showcase menu items they
       can’t get anywhere else. It’s fun to create innovative   Moroccan Lamb Meatballs
       dishes that aren’t based on a certain protein
       or starch.                                            5 lb. ground lamb
                                                             16 oz. red onion, minced
       Working with farmers.                                 1 tbsp. garlic, minced
       It’s a partnership. I let them know what I need for   2 oz. ginger, minced
       ingredients; they know that I will buy, which gives   1 1/4 c. bread crumbs, panko
       them some stability.                                  5 eggs
                                                             2.25 oz. parsley, chopped
       Favorite ingredients?                                 1.25 oz. cilantro, chopped
       I’m big into herbs and using different seasonings     1.25 oz. mint, chopped
       with different techniques. For example, braising      .5 oz. lemon zest, minced
       herbs makes the flavors incredible!                   1 c. pine nuts, toasted
                                                             10 oz. feta cheese
       Why do veggies at their peak make better food?        1 oz. salt, kosher
       When produce is hand-selected, it has the grower’s    .5 oz. black pepper, ground
       own stamp of approval. Having the freshest            2 tsp. cinnamon, ground
       products maximizes the flavor, so it’s all it should be.   4 tsp. cardamom, ground

       Supporting Local.                                     Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix by
       The more people who support local food the more       hand. Portion mix into 1-oz. balls.
       the quality and diversity will go up. We can do what   Fry in a deep-fat fryer to the desired color. Transfer to
       we do because of the renewed interest in foods        pan and finish in convection oven at 450 degrees for
       from the area.                                        five minutes. Serve immediately.

                                                             1910 Grille serves with dill-cucumber Greek yogurt and
                                                             herbed couscous with golden raisins.

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